SOA vs Microservices
The microservice term has been around for a while but for as long as it has been around there has been much arm waving around what it was. It continued as one of those nebulous concepts that meant anything and everything to everyone and no one. In this way it caused a little confusion but served as a token to reference something — but what? The closest you could get was was that the services were smaller than monolithic applications, by some measure that was vague. Of course, as is often the case some people were tacking fairly arbitrary stuff onto the term too. That’s where we were, microservices were smaller than just about the biggest thing anyone can ever create in software: monolithic applications. Monolithic applications are like the Graham Numbers of software architecture.
“Graham has recently established … a bound so vast that it holds the record for the largest number ever used in a serious mathematical proof.” — Martin Gardner (c.1977)
This wasn’t particularly useful but pretty much par for the course in the IT industry, buzzwords come and go and often don’t have concrete meaning attached to them, or have multiple conflicting meanings attached to them. However this is where things took an interesting turn, Martin Fowler, a well known name in the industry made an attempt to document what the terms could mean. Fowler takes a very thorough approach to documenting things and has a rather large following of people, so when he does document something the term:
- tends to stick
- have concrete meaning
The trouble was that a number of people to a great or lesser extent, including myself, believed the definition of microservices that Fowler came up with is remarkably similar to SOA as known and documented, with some other practises thrown in. Those other practises were debatably a little orthogonal to the topic at hand, that is, they were good practise but beside the point.
It’s well documented what SOA is and now it is well documented what microservices are. Compare them side by side and most reasonable people, I think, will come to roughly the same conclusion. So how did this happen?
Marketing and communication
SOA is unfortunately a hard concept to grasp initially, it takes a little time, then most people, if they persever have an epiphany and wonder what it was that they didn’t understand in the first place.
Trouble is I think that only those who really went to town on SOA the first time around had that epiphany, but why did some go to town on it and others not.
What happened with SOA is that the waters were muddied with a large amount of esoteric and/or complex language, take a look at the SOA Reference Model for example, it has some very good information in there but it is an intimidating read and I can imagine that not many have read it. I would absolutely forgive anyone for not reading it, it took me about 5 quite determined attempts…
If you contrast this document to Fowler’s blog post then you can see which is more easily digestable. Fowler is (literally) an expert in the written communication of technical concepts, perhaps the best .
Vendor spin
As anyone who’s been in the IT industry for any amount of time will know for any given buzzword there are roughly a billion vendors trying to capitalise on it. This may be as simple as saying it is SOA enabled or microservice compatible but it can take more subtle forms too.
One of these approaches is to create a related standard or pattern. It wasn’t long after SOA started getting discussed as a concept that WS-* appeared on the scene with a seamingly endless parade of complex specifications and reference implementations of said specification. Each specification was dutifully implemented by the big vendors so that they could become ‘service-enabled’.
Unfortunately these specifications were awful, some absurd, moreover these vendor implementations didn’t work very well with each other, indeed some of them needed standards to defined the standards. That is a web-service exposed by one vendor couldn’t be reliable called by a client from another vendor. This left a bad taste for the right thinking engineer and there was violent push to the opposite end of the interface spectrum: ReST, JSON and so forth but that’s another story and one we all learned from.
As I eluded to early it wasn’t just specifications that clouded the SOA picture. In order to sell software licenses it was key to have something big, expensive and most importantly critical to the client once implemented. There is no greater example of this than the ESB. However I’ve written about why you don’t need an ESB before, needless to say this also left a bad taste.
For the record, to my mind, neither ESB or WS-* are desireable in a modern SOA. Unfortunately, sometimes WS-* is the only way to communicate with legacy applications. The industry did learn from all this, I hope.
Time fades
Finally, time fades, engineers like new things, I know I do. I like to play with new technology, think about and discuss new ideas. I’m also forgetful, I forget some of the cool things I once knew. As the expression goes, everything old is new.
For the most part there isn’t really anything new in microservices over SOA. SOA has some baggage of ESB and WS-*, that is some people confuse that with SOA, unfortunately vendors did that. For the record some of us gave them a hard time for that at the time.
Do we need a new term? I don’t think so, I think it would be more useful to tie down what we mean by SOA, clearly remove the bad things and highlight new thinking. However by renaming I think we revise history, we lose the discussion, the ‘changelog’.
My humble suggestion would be that it is more useful to highlight the difference, what’s new and give those things names, think of these changes as microbuzzwords.